I took a deep breath, then made one of the best choices I ever could have made for my business; 
I said yes.
The amount I learned I was going to be paying for my first mastermind group was a staggering amount. I honestly stood there like a deer in the headlights, trying to calculate if I’d even paid that much for my college degree! $25,000!
But there was something in me that said, “Alison, this is one of those moments that you’re going to remember. You’re going to make a decision right now that will lead you down one of two paths.”
I took a deep breath then made one of the best choices I ever could have for my businesses: 
I said yes
At first, I was really focused on cost. I worked hard for every dollar of my money, and by dang, I wanted to make it count. 

But the first moment I started engaging with the group, I realized I had surrounded myself with people who understood who I was and what I was facing as an entrepreneur like no one ever had before. They got it because they were right there too. 
They cheered me on, they taught me things I’d never even thought of. They shared their passion for what they did. And yeah, when I was dragging a little bit, they’d kick my tush right up the hill, not willing to let me settle. They are some of my favorite people to this day. 
So the next time that a mastermind group opportunity was presented to me, built around business principles I knew I needed to learn, I paid the $17,000 and signed up without even flinching. By that time, I KNEW what the return on my investment would be—not in dollars, but in EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE. I joined a third group not long after for $12,000, again to learn another critical aspect of business. 
If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have batted eye at paying $12,000 or $17,000 or $25,000. Even at double the price, it would have seemed a bargain. In every single group, I have received far more than I ever could have given. I have learned from incredible people—leaders in their respective industries. I have shared my knowledge with others, and they have shared theirs with me. My experience has been life-changing and that is why I started Next Level. I know how collaborating with others in your expertise can change lives.  
I’m giving you that same chance by inviting you to join the Next Level Program
The NEXT LEVEL Mastermind group includes six primary phases: 
Action I: Action Plans
If you wanted to become an olympic athlete in snowboarding and just read a book about it, do you think you'd win the gold?

I think you know the answer to this one....NOPE.  There is a huge difference in learning and actually implementing and taking action.  With the Next Level Program it's tailored around action plans where you create a 'TO-DONE' list vs the 'TO-DO' list.

Over 10 weeks you will know exactly what to cross off in your step-by-step action plans to help you accomplish your goals. 
Action II: Ten Week Live Interactive Teaching
Think you have to go at this alone?  Nope, you will have LIVE interactive teaching where you can ask questions and feel the momentum!  You never have to feel alone! We are there with you along your journey.
Action III: One-On-One with Your Personal Momentum Coach
Now that you are building out your 'to-done' lists, you get to hop on a weekly coaching call with your personal momentum coach for your one-on-one session.

This is where your momentum coach will double check where you are headed and make sure you are headed in the right direction.  Sometimes getting started with a new thing, or venturing down a new path can be a bit nerve-wracking.  Your momentum coach will be holding your hand each week along the way.  You'll have 8 active calls over the 10 week period. 
Action IV: Weekly Meet-Ups 
If you are accepted into the NEXT LEVEL PROGRAM, it’s time to put your foot on the gas and GO FOR IT. 

You will be brainstorming with Student mentors who have built over 6 figure businesses to help you strategize on marketing, discuss the training, so you can be up to date on the new way of marketing for today's time.  These will be held via Zoom as a more intimate way of digging into the details without feeling exposed and taking away your focus.  

It's like you are sitting across the table with the experts and other business minds who have been accepted into the NEXT LEVEL program.  The Student mentors can help you open your mind to new levels of success and confidence in your own abilities to build a mission and change the world.  These will be held one time a week. 
Action V: Contacts
As you grow your business, you'll soon find out you can't do it all.  In fact, if you do it all you will stop growing.  We teach you how to be the 'Contractor' of your business. Sure you can learn how to do the framing, electrical, concrete, and that would add years to your business success or you can leverage other people's expertise and 'build your house' faster.  

In the NEXT LEVEL program, we give you our contacts for those that help us go further faster.  Instead of learning photography, let us introduce you to our list of photographers.  Instead of learning videography, let us introduce you to our list of videographers.  

These contractors are all very affordable and can help you move faster than you'd ever imagine.  The Pro Coaches will show you how they have others build her products so they can focus on maximizing sales.  
Action VI: Social Media Atlas of 365 Days of Editable Posts
We get it.  Social Media can be very overwhelming, trying to come up with posts every day.  We've created 365 days of editable posts so you never have to wonder what you are going to post.  

These can be edited to match your branding so your customers recognize you over and over.  Let us help with the burden of the day-to-day social media posting.  
Not everyone is ready to join the NEXT LEVEL. 

As I’ve been involved in Mastermind groups, I’ve seen two very different types of people. The first group are those willing to go full-throttle. They put in the time and work necessary to move the mountains in front of them and make things happen. The second group of people are the ones not willing to commit to being all-in. Their efforts are half-hearted and so are their results.
NEXT LEVEL is for those who don’t make excuses. They’re willing to learn, change and grow. They’ve seen success in their business, and they’re ready to go further. And yes, they want to be surrounded by people who are just like them.
That’s why I am requiring every person who wants to be involved in the NEXT LEVEL group to apply to join. I am requiring a 10 Week commitment for those who are accepted.
  • ​Want to take your company and double, triple, or quadruple your sales;
  • ​Are ready to learn the details of business building; 
  • Are willing to do hard things that make a huge difference in your business;
...Then you are EXACTLY the person I want to join the NEXL LEVEL PROGRAM.

There is a cost to join the BECAUSEICAN LIFE NEXT LEVEL. There's also an opportunity cost if you don't.
As an entrepreneur, there’s probably one measurement principle that you are keenly aware of: ROI, or return on investment. If you invest a dollar into a product, you want to make two dollars. After all, that’s what making a profit is all about.
But sometimes it’s a little tough to measure ROI. When I joined my first Mastermind, I tried. I really did. I wanted to know what $25,000 meant in terms of my bottom line.
Here’s what I discovered: it was the skills I learned, the mentorship I received, the people I met and the support I was surrounded by that made the difference.
Did my business grow? Absolutely. As in an add-some-commas sort of way.
But how do you put a price tag on confidence? Is there a value you can place on relationships? What is the return on learning to manage a business and actually have a personal life?
There is a cost to join NEXT LEVEL. There’s also an opportunity cost if you don’t.
If I hadn’t joined my Mastermind groups, I definitely could not have grown my business as fast as I did. I may never have launched my course or created the BECAUSEICAN LIFE. That would have meant a significant hit to my income, but also never allowed me to help others in the way I have. 
And that’s a cost I can’t imagine ever having to pay.

There is a cost to become a BECAUSEICAN LIFE Insider. There's also an opportunity cost if you don't.
As an entrepreneur, there’s probably one measurement principle that you are keenly aware of: ROI, or return on investment. If you invest a dollar into a product, you want to make two dollars. After all, that’s what making a profit is all about.
But sometimes it’s a little tough to measure ROI. When I joined my first Mastermind, I tried. I really did. I wanted to know what $25,000 meant in terms of my bottom line.
Here’s what I discovered: it was the skills I learned, the mentorship I received, the people I met and the support I was surrounded by that made the difference.
Did my business grow? Absolutely. As in an add-some-commas sort of way.
But how do you put a price tag on confidence? Is there a value you can place on relationships? What is the return on learning to manage a business and actually have a personal life?
There is a cost to join NEXL LEVEL. There’s also an opportunity cost if you don’t.
If I hadn’t joined my Mastermind groups, I definitely could not have grown my business as fast as I did. I may never have launched my course or created BECAUSEICAN LIFE. That would have meant a significant hit to my income, but also never allowed me to help others in the way I have. 
And that’s a cost I can’t imagine ever having to pay.

Pro Coach Kati Oliver
Kati passed the million-dollar mark with one product.  She knows how to unleash the power of email and influencer marketing to grow her business! Just recently, Kati quit her job as a school teacher to move full-time into bossmom.  She works from home and knows the value of power hours to bust out the work.  She is a pro coach in the Because I Can Life teaching others how the 0-100K System has helped take her business to the Next Level.
Alison J. Prince
You don’t think I’d leave you hanging, right? My job is to deliver high-level, cutting-edge e-commerce information, answer your tough questions…and kick your butt when you need it.  
Pro Coach Megan Pyrah
Wear good, feel good, do good. The mantra that Megan Pyrah has lived by for years now. Between her love of maximizing your wardrobe and being involved in family, community and beyond - Megan loves to embrace what living with purpose and passion looks like for her. She just sold her six-figure online clothing shop, volunteers as a leader with her local church, and is a self proclaimed "cheerleader" for others. "We all struggle along the way so why not build others up as we go!" This girl loves to talk business! She geeks out about it and loves sharing what she knows from her own journey. She is also a pro coach in Because I Can Life and teaching others how the 0-100K System has helped take her business to the Next Level.
Megan Pryah
Wear good, feel good, do good. The mantra that Megan Pyrah has lived by for years now. Between her love of maximizing your wardrobe and being involved in family, community and beyond - Megan loves to embrace what living with purpose and passion looks like for her. She runs a six figure online, volunteers as a leader with her local church, and is a self proclaimed "cheerleader" for others. "We all struggle along the way so why not build others up as we go!" This girl loves to talk business! She geeks out about it and loves sharing what she knows from her own journey. She is also a pro coach in Because I Can Life and teaching others how the 0-100K System has helped take her business to the Next Level.
Kati Oliver
Kati  passed the million-dollar mark with one product.  She knows how to unleash the power of email and influencer marketing to grow her business! Just recently, Kati quit her job as a school teacher to move full time into bossmom.  She works from home and knows the value of power hours to bust out the work.  She is a pro coach in the Because I Can life teaching others how the 0-100K System has helped take her business to the Next Level.
Alison J. Prince
You don’t think I’d leave you hanging, right? My job is to deliver high-level, cutting-edge e-commerce information, answer your tough questions…and kick your butt when you need it. 
If you are 100% committed to
building your online empire,
then we want to hear from you.
On this next page, we're going to ask you to answer a few questions.

Why? Because we get so many people applying for our program who aren't serious about building their online freedom business.

We don't have time for time-wasters.

At the end of our call, if you're a good fit for the program then we'll tell you all about it.

If we don't decide to work together, then we'll be happy to point you in the right direction for your goals anyway.

AlisonJPrince, LLC @ BecauseICanLife - All Rights Reserved . Terms of Service Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Return Policy . Earnings Disclaimer
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