As an entrepreneur, there’s probably one measurement principle that you are keenly aware of: ROI, or return on investment. If you invest a dollar into a product, you want to make two dollars. After all, that’s what making a profit is all about.
But sometimes it’s a little tough to measure ROI. When I joined my first Mastermind, I tried. I really did. I wanted to know what $25,000 meant in terms of my bottom line.
Here’s what I discovered: it was the skills I learned, the mentorship I received, the people I met and the support I was surrounded by that made the difference.
Did my business grow? Absolutely. As in an add-some-commas sort of way.
But how do you put a price tag on confidence? Is there a value you can place on relationships? What is the return on learning to manage a business and actually have a personal life?
There is a cost to join NEXT LEVEL. There’s also an opportunity cost if you don’t.
If I hadn’t joined my Mastermind groups, I definitely could not have grown my business as fast as I did. I may never have launched my course or created the BECAUSEICAN LIFE. That would have meant a significant hit to my income, but also never allowed me to help others in the way I have.
And that’s a cost I can’t imagine ever having to pay.